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Membrane CIP Technology SLM

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Hydrite® Soil Load Mapping (Membrane Slm™) 

What is Soil Load Mapping?

Membrane Clean-In-Place (CIP) Optimization Technology

In a membrane system baseline soil is established as the post-production membrane system begins CIP circulation.  As the chemistry is added and temperature increased, removed soil accumulates in the wash solution.  When the wash nears completion, the soil in the solution reaches a maximum.  At this wash peak, no more soil is being removed. This peak is maintained for most of the remaining circulation time. However, soil may redeposit if wash goes too long as eventually the continued degradation of soils in solution may lead to redeposition on the membrane surface. When the changes in soil load are monitored throughout a CIP program, this information can be used to generate a Soil Load Map which can be analyzed for optimization opportunities.  


Why is Soil Load Mapping Important?

To maximize production time and to reduce CIP resources and environmental impact.


How is a Soil Load Map Calculated?

An in-depth analysis of membrane CIP samples are used to determine how your specific system removes soil in each wash.

The CIP the Soil Load Map can be analyzed for:

  • Long heat-up times
  • Stretches of the wash where little cleaning is taking place

A new program can be built to clean the system with fewer redundancies or wasted resources.

  • Wash steps with little to no soil removal can be combined or eliminated
  • Steps where cleaning is not complete can be identified

Targets can include:

  • Time Reduction
  • Effects of Changing Chemistries
  • Whether Energy can be Reduced (Without significantly impacting a wash)






Contact Us to Learn More

Hydrite's membrane sanitation specialists are recognized as the industry leaders and innovators offering support and service.  We have the requisite experience to improve product quality and reduce cleaning time. Our membrane team spends time developing and deploying new tools to provide the most comprehensive membrane CIP support in the industry. 

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